advanced maternal ageの例文
- Even now, the medical definition of advanced maternal age is 35.
- By the 1970s, amniocentesis had become available to women of advanced maternal age.
- Advanced maternal age is associated with adverse reproductive effects such as increased risk of infertility,
- The frequency of Trisomy 21 has been determined to be a function of Advanced maternal age.
- At 42 she is, in medical parlance, of " advanced maternal age ."
- On the contrary, for women of advanced maternal age, PGP significantly lowers the live birth rate.
- Other risk factors associated with luteomas are multiple pregnancies, advanced maternal age, and Afro-Caribbean ethnicity.
- More advanced maternal age in Swedish mothers was linked with a reduction in offspring IQ, in a paper published in 2012.
- Six months later and still not pregnant, Bornfreund went to see her doctor and soon learned about what is sometimes called " advanced maternal age ."
- Never mind that, at 30, the patient is five years younger than the current cutoff for " advanced maternal age " or that she is not pregnant.
- A woman's fertility peaks lasts during the twenties and first half of thirties, after which it starts to decline, with advanced maternal age causing an increased risk of female infertility.
- Advanced maternal age continues to be associated with a range of adverse pregnancy outcomes including low birth weight, pre-term birth, stillbirth, unexplained fetal death, and increased rates of Caesarean section.
- The risk of mental retardation due to Down syndrome, for instance, clearly rises with advancing maternal age _ from one in 1, 000 at age 29 to one in 100 births at age 40.
- Thus, IVF has become the final solution for most fertility problems, moving from tubal disease to male factor, idiopathic subfertility, endometriosis, advanced maternal age, and anovulation not responding to ovulation induction.
- Other factors behind the increase are better prenatal and neonatal care, which ensure the survival of more premature babies, and advanced maternal age, with more women having babies over age 35, when the likelihood of multiple births is, for reasons unknown, higher.
- According to the study, the number of women in Connecticut who had amniocentesis or CVS declined 50 percent from 1991 to 2002, while the share of Down syndrome births did not increase even though more women were becoming pregnant at " an advanced maternal age ."
- When used for women of advanced maternal age and for patients with repetitive IVF failure, PGP is mainly carried out as a screening for detection of chromosomal abnormalities such as aneuploidy, reciprocal and Robertsonian translocations, and few cases for other abnormalities such as chromosomal inversions or deletions.
- The type of mutation that occurs in advanced maternal age has nothing to do with DNA mutations ( as implied by StuRat ) but rather nondisjunction during meiosis-- where the chromosomes fail to segregate normally-- thus leading to a higher risk for conditions such as Down syndrome.
- On the other hand, advanced maternal age is associated with a more stable family environment, higher socio-economic position, higher income and better living conditions, as well as better parenting practices, but it is more or less uncertain whether these entities are " effects " of advanced maternal age, are " contributors " to advanced maternal age, or common effects of a certain state such as personality type.
- On the other hand, advanced maternal age is associated with a more stable family environment, higher socio-economic position, higher income and better living conditions, as well as better parenting practices, but it is more or less uncertain whether these entities are " effects " of advanced maternal age, are " contributors " to advanced maternal age, or common effects of a certain state such as personality type.